Perfect Pitch: What is A440 anyway?

This week at the studio we have been learning more about A440 (note shown above). A440 is the first “A” found on the piano above middle C. To be in perfect pitch, that string must vibrate at exactly 440 vibrations per second (or 440 Hz). Thus the term “A440”.

For those of you with an electronic or digital keyboard, you are all set! But if you play on an acoustic instrument (which is a wonderful thing), it is relatively important that it be tuned correctly. Some pianos may sound okay, but it may be because they are tuned to themselves and not to the industry standard.

Why is perfect pitch so important? Ear training will suffer for one thing – but in more practical terms – you will be unable to play a duet with anyone else, as it will most certainly sound “off”, likely very badly. Also, if you wish to play along with a recording of your lesson book, or even your favorite pop song from the radio, you will be sadly disappointed with the result.

If you would like to read more about A440, there is a good article at

More on A440 coming soon!

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